The ten years between 2010 and 2020 were a golden era for health and wellness. The influence of the internet, the growth of blogs and podcasts, and the flourishing of information sharing through apps like Instagram and Pinterest meant that more people than ever before were interested in self-improvement and self-care. But where do we go from here? What will be the dominant trends in health and wellness as we continue into this next decade?
It’s hard to predict what trends will take the spotlight next, but it’s an exciting topic to think about and plan for. The health and wellness trends of past years were anything but dull. From the rising success of the ketogenic diet — which is based around high fat and low-carb meals — to the increase in candida and leaky gut syndrome diagnosis, these topics brought about a lot of buzz. As we look forward to the years to come, health and wellness trends will continue to evolve. Here are seven health and wellness trends that we’ll be seeing a lot of in 2022.

7 Health and Wellness Trends for 2022
1. Microbiome and Immune Health
As 2022 approaches, we will continue to elevate conversations of immune health. This is no surprise after the COVID-19 global pandemic that we’ve faced over the past few years. One of the best ways to make our immune system as efficient as possible is through our diet. Focusing on foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, probiotics, and others will help optimize our immune system. Unsurprisingly, improving our gut microbiome health is also closely correlated to diet. Trying to incorporate a diversity of fruits, vegetables, and whole-foods will allow our microbiome to better control digestion and aid our immune system.
2. Virtual Fitness
Virtual fitness has been on the rise for a few years now, from yoga to spin classes. This trend will continue to gain traction as the technology improves, virtual fitness classes are more widely available, and fitness apps are released to complement the activity. This is especially great news for those who are on-the-go, giving them the ability to stay on track with their fitness goals.
3. Local and Self-Grown Produce
We are becoming more and more conscious about how our produce is sourced. Traditionally, non-local produce has left us susceptible to pesticides/contaminants, limited nutritional benefit, as well as ethical and environmental concerns. As the new year approaches, we’ll continue looking toward our farmers markets and backyard gardens to supply some of our fruits and veggies.
4. Reflective Journaling
With the amount of time we’ve spent distanced from others since the start of the pandemic, many have taken to reflective journaling to put their thoughts on paper and better understand their feelings. Adding journaling to your daily routine is a sure way to get in touch with your emotions, control anxiety, and generate an awareness around your values. There are quite a few journals that will guide you through this process!
5. Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that dates back to the 3rd century B.C. It’s a therapeutic massage typically performed on the back, neck, and shoulders. Gua Sha practitioners use a flat, round, smooth, and nonporous instrument to gently apply pressure to different parts of the body along energy pathways. Through this process, toxins are released from the body, muscles relax, and the body is better able to heal. You can see why this is a growing trend heading into 2022 and beyond! Pick yourself up a home kit and try out the magic.
6. Functional Foods
We value our time immensely, and it can be tough to get in all of the nutrient sources our body demands on a daily basis. Functional foods are those that come from nature and have an added value. They not only nourish your body but also help you maintain a healthy weight, relieve stress, and support your immune system. Functional foods can be as simple as a fiber-rich cereal or a dried fruit. They can be as complex as a multivitamin supplement or a probiotic yogurt—each has a distinct function that supports your overall health.
7. Guided Meditation
Meditation apps have taken the world by storm, and we don’t see them slowing down as we turn the corner to 2022. One of the top meditation apps available is Calm. It gives you access to a library of meditations, a sleep program, a dedicated 24-hour support line, and a forum for asking questions and getting advice from other Calm users. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years by people of all religion and age, and with such a rich history and proven benefits, it will be interesting to see how the trend affects the world of business and health in this modern era.

New Years, New Opportunities
Now more than ever, we have a heightened sense to take care of our physical and mental health. Thankfully, there are so many approaches to try that can positively influence the way we look, feel, and think. We hope these simple and proven seven health and wellness trends provide you a springboard into 2022!