How to fit exercise into your daily routine


Summary of key points

We all know how important getting plenty of exercise is for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle. However, finding opportunities to break a sweat when you’ve got a busy schedule can be challenging.

If you’re struggling to fit exercise into your jam-packed daily routine, here are three simple strategies that you may want to try to get back on track with your fitness.

Take your lunch break outdoors

Fitting a little more exercise into your daily routine can be as easy as taking your lunch break outdoors, rather than opting to pass the time at your desk. Whether you choose to stroll around the local park or cycle to the shops to pick up your lunch, there are plenty of simple activities that will slot nicely into your lunch hour.

If you choose to exercise on your lunch break, you’ll want to make sure that your chosen activity is as intense as possible, so that you can reap all the same fitness benefits in this short space of time – for example, by making sure your walk is brisk and raises your body temperature. If you’re ever in doubt, it’s always a good idea to head to a gym, if you have one in the vicinity of your work – this way, you can better track the intensity of your workouts day-to-day. Just remember to leave time for a quick shower afterwards.

    Try a digital workout

    Heading to the gym can be time consuming, particularly if you hold a 9-5 job and find that you tend to get stuck navigating the rush hour traffic on the way home.

    Luckily, you can choose to forgo the commute to and from your local gym by working out at home instead. There are plenty of activities you can try in the house, from yoga, to pilates and aerobics. If you opt to take a virtual class, you’ll have the assistance of a professional instructor, and usually, you’ll be able to choose whether you watch a pre-recorded video, or follow along on a live stream. This is a wonderful way to make your time spent exercising work better for you, and fit more seamlessly into your daily schedule.

    Get yourself a hobby

    Exercising becomes a whole lot easier when it involves an activity that you actually want to take part in. After all, if you force yourself to exercise out of obligation rather than enjoyment, it can start to feel a lot more like a chore.

    To add an element of fun to daily workouts, you may want to try taking up a new sport that you haven’t tried before. You’ll want to try a few different physical activities to find the one that works best for you and is equal parts enjoyable and physically exerting.

    When exercise becomes an interest, it can feel much easier to make time for it in your daily routine, as ultimately, you begin to recognise your exercise time as downtime, too.

    Exercise in a way that works for you

    There are endless ways that you can tweak your routine to include a little bit of exercise each day. Ultimately, you want to identify the hour and activity that work best for you, to ensure that you stick to your workouts. When you exercise in line with your needs, you’re much more likely to reap the benefits of your daily exercise routine.

    Makayla is a medical expert and editor @ WholeYum.


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