Summary of key points
How easy a vanity you have bought is to install depends on a few factors. Things like the type of vanity, your bathroom design, your DIY experience, and the kind of electric and plumbing setup you have. When you head to a James Martin vanity sale here are some things to think about for installation and how a vanity can be attached to a wall in several different ways.
1) What skill level do you have when it comes to DIY? You will need some basic carpentry and plumbing skills as well as tools. If you have these and experience with projects that were similar then you should find installing a bathroom vanity something you can manage. If you are unsure, or not experienced then leave it to the professionals.
2) Getting the area prepared. If you are moving on with the installation, then you will need to get the area ready first. This means taking out the vanity that is there currently, or whatever you have there. The plumbing lines need to be disconnected, the area needs to be level and it needs to be clean. Depending on the vanity being put in you might need to adjust electrical and plumbing connections, or have someone with training handle it for you.
3) Does the vanity need assembling? Some vanities are ready made and some might need some assembly. It depends on whether you have a James Martin Bristol vanity or something else. Things like the countertop might need attaching, as well as other hardware and components like the sink, shelves, drawers and such.
4) Reconnecting. When the vanity is done and in the right place the electrical and plumbing connections can be redone. The electrical wiring is for any lighting or outlets and the plumbing might include drain pipes, connecting the faucet and the water supply lines. This must be done properly.
5) Final aspects. Now it is time to seal gaps, use caulking on the edges, ensure things are level, and make sure the surrounding aspects are aligned. Now you have the vanity from the James Martin vanity sale installed.
Attaching methods for bathroom vanities
1) Secured to the walls with brackets with a toe kick – the toe kick is at the bottom and is a recessed area to allow your feet room.
2) Floating wall-mounted – they look like they are suspended above the floor with cleats or a bracket holding it onto the wall.
3) Seamless or integrated – these are attached to the wall with brackets or screws but it is hidden and the vanities is completely integrated into the bathroom’s design. They are often custom built.
4) Vanities with legs – these have a base or legs and sit on the floor rather than being attached to the wall somehow. Some however have some wall brackets to give them stability so they do not fall over.
When installing a James Martin bristol vanity or any other type it is important to follow the guidelines the maker gives.